
No More Sick Days!

Whether it’s that compulsive hand-sanitizing colleague or packet of miracle powder at the drugstore, advice on how to fend off flus and colds during the dark months is everywhere. While some of it works, much of it is a total waste of time.

A Flu Shot
Doctors agree that this is the single most effective thing you can get to keep you from getting sick. “But there’s still a lot of confusion about flu shots. You see the flu virus changes yearly, so scientists have to scramble to create a vaccine for it- and it doesn’t always work. On average, the shot still reduces your chances of getting sick by 70%.

Regular Exercise
Exercises increases white blood cells, which fight bacteriaand viruses, But it doesnt get a perfect score because a new study found that too much exercise too soon  after recovery from illness is a common cause of relapse. Overdoing it can lead to immune suppression.